More "Low Dose Alcohol Is Good for You"

 A recent meta-analysis found that men who drank moderate amounts of alcohol had considerably less risk (a risk ratio of 0.3) of liver cirrhosis than men who drank no alcohol.  It wasn’t clear if some forms of alcohol (e.g., wine) were more protective than others. I came across this study because another article called the association “biologically implausible”, whereas I think it is highly plausible due to vast experimental literature on hormesis (animals given small amounts of poisons are healthier than animals given none).

The findings about cirrhosis join a much large body of evidence that moderate drinking is associated with less heart disease.  A recent meta-analysis reached this conclusion once again and found, in addition, that moderate drinking is associated with less all-cause mortality.

These are more examples of the health benefits of fermented foods …


This is weak evidence for believing that fermented foods that are regularly consumed by others are healthy, and that small amounts of some poisons are good for you. It’s stronger evidence that small amounts of alcohol are a net health benefit. 

It’s a shame I believe both:

1. I sleep worse after drinking beer or wine (I need to experiment more w/ lower sugar alcohols, perhaps)

2. I suffer lasting minor brain damage from alcohol, not just momentary uncoordination, 

or else I’d drink (moderately) to this news. (1. is surely true; 2. may be a nocebo effect)