Vitamin E Won't Kill You Either

Controlled studies where one group is given Vitamin E and the other a placebo have found no significant harm or benefit at reasonable dose levels:

Three other meta-analyses that combined the results of randomized controlled trials designed to evaluate the efficacy of vitamin E supplementation for the prevention or treatment of cardiovascular disease found no evidence that vitamin E supplementation up to 800 IU/day significantly increased or decreased cardiovascular disease mortality or all-cause mortality (73-75). Additionally, a more recent meta-analysis of 57 randomized controlled trials found that vitamin E supplementation, up to doses of 5,500 IU/day, had no effect on all-cause mortality (76). Furthermore, a meta-analysis of 68 randomized trials found that supplemental vitamin E, singly or in combination with other antioxidant supplements, did not significantly alter risk of all-cause mortality (77). At present, there is no convincing evidence that vitamin E supplementation up to 800 IU/day increases the risk of death from cardiovascular disease or other causes.

via the excellent Linus Pauling Institute 

I was worried about my new multivitamin’s 200IU of Vitamin E, which is within a factor of 2 or 3 of the harmful-dose level I’d come to believe in after previous (non-controlled) studies.

About the meta-analysis showing higher mortality from Vitamin E I mentioned earlier, LPI counters:

[The study] reported that adults who took supplements of 400 IU/day or more were 6% more likely to die from any cause than those who did not take vitamin E supplements (72). However, further breakdown of the risk by vitamin E dose and adjustment for other vitamin and mineral supplements revealed that the increased risk of death was statistically significant only at a dose of 2,000 IU/day, which is higher than the UL for adults.